2024/12/13元智大學醫學研究所「TPMIC 2024國際研討會」
時間 : 2024/12/13(五) 8:30~12:30
地點 : 亞東紀念醫院 新北市板橋區南雅南路二段21號
Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia International Symposium
This international symposium is organized by YZU GIM faculties and collaborators, to be held on 12/13 at FEMH
Please join us to extend our horizons and network together~
Time : 13 DEC 8.30AM-12.30PM
location : Far Eastern Memorial Hospital 14F International Conference Hall No. 21, Section 2, Nanya South Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220